Farm of the Child

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April 2022 eNewsletter

Double your Lenten donation!

The season of Lent that we began on Ash Wednesday marks our journeys of personal and communal conversion. This time prepares us for the encounter with the Crucified Christ of Good Friday, but most importantly, for the Risen Christ on Easter. This Lent, we ask you to join us in encountering the Crucified Christ through the sufferings of our children and support our work to restore and heal them just as Jesus’ cross and sufferings restore and heal us.

A generous anonymous donor is committing $12,000 in matching donations to our Lenten campaign for all donations made before Easter. I ask you to remember our children in Honduras and consider helping us to be his servants in the vineyard and meet our children of Honduras on our road to the Resurrection. Join us and help us reach our fundraising goal and care for our children who call the Farm their home, the students in our school, and all in our community. You, your family and your personal intentions will remain in our thoughts and prayers these Lenten and Easter Seasons and we join our intentions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and ask for her intercession to comfort us and others in a way only a Mother truly can.

Please donate to our Lenten Campaign today! Our founder and Board President, Zulena Pescatore, invites you to read more about how your donation can make a difference here.

Donate to our Lenten Appeal

Thank you to Espiritu Santo Church, Safety Harbor Florida!

Last weekend we joined to celebrate a reunion with our brigade family from Espiritu Santo Catholic Church. Members of this parish had traveled to the Farm of the Child for many years and contributed construction projects, repairs to many buildings, and witnessing to love and joy of community of faith. They built our beautiful prayer garden and children's park! We were able to bring together people who love the Finca, have traveled there and built a lot of it , and had not seen each other in a long time.

During the evening, we also had an opportunity to honor Mike Frisby with his family in attendance. Our Board of Directors Vice President and former missionary Tom Purekal gave an exciting update about where we are now and where we hope the future takes us as a community. Thank you to Espiritu Santo for your continued love and support of the Farm of the Child!

We want YOU!

Each year, 5-7 individuals make a 16+ month service commitment to the Farm of the Child. They come from all different walks of life and serve in countless ways - pastoral ministry, education, special education, health care, maintenance, recreation/sports, or vocational training. If you or someone you know are discerning how God is calling them to serve, please reach out to our mission committee at

Current Missionary Community 2022