Farm of the Child

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October 2022 eNewsletter

A Month of Holidays

September is a busy month with many celebrations. First on the list is the Day of the Child, followed closely by Independence Day and Flag Day. It's a busy few weeks with a lot of time off school, parades, bands, dancing, outdoor movies, piñatas and celebration all around.

Finca Field Day- Wheelbarrow Race

Girls Night complete with face masks and running around pretending to be ghosts

Ice Cream Party on the Beach

Child Spotlight

Meet "Y"

•Y has lived at the Finca for 10 years and is in 5th garde

•She loves to read and fairytales are her favorite

•Y loves playing and helping take care of the younger children

•Playing tag is one of. her favorite past times

*To maintain our children’s privacy, any personal information and full pictures are only open to current sponsors through a secure portal

Donor Spotlight

Bob Riley

Bob Riley (pictures here next to Mike Frisby) has been a lifelong supporter of our mission and has worn many hats to help us succeed throughout the years. He and his wife continue to support us to this day and we are eternally grateful to their call to our mission. 

Thank you Riley family for you many year of support especially on this Feast of Saint Therese! 

St. Therese Feast Day

Oct 1 is an average day for most of us, but for Farm of the Child this day has always been one of great significance. It is the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, the patron of missionaries. It is her little way that serves as an example for every missionary that passes through the Farm’s gates, and it is after her that the missionary house (Casa Santa Teresita) is named. Because of this, it is on her feast day each year that new missionaries join the Farm of the Child community. These men and women are welcomed at the gate by the entire community with posters, songs and a special blessing. Later in the day, the entire Farm of the Child community gathers for a feast to celebrate the missionary community, give a warm welcome to the new missionaries, and ask for intercession from St. Therese for guidance in following her little way of loving and serving others. The annual tradition of welcoming new missionaries around the Feast of St. Therese reminds the entire Farm of the Child Family of our call as Christians to love and serve God and others.

Feast Day Fundraiser

Join us in our fundraiser to welcome our new missionary class and honor the many people that have come before them.