October/November eNewsletter 2024

Blessed All Saints Day!

In the Catholic Church, the first days of November are an important time for remembering those who have come and gone before us — both the holy men and women who are canonized Saints in Heaven and our departed loved ones we hope and pray are also partaking in the beatific vision.

At Finca del Niño some of our children took advantage of this perfect opportunity to celebrate the Saints in Heaven, together with the community in Trujillo, Honduras. Their desire is to learn how to imitate the Saints inspiring lives.

Dia del Niño

In Honduras, the Day of the Child is celebrated on September 10th. It is a celebration that is deeply rooted in the country’s popular culture.To celebrate this day for our little ones, our staff, religious, and misioneros in Honduras organized fun activities such as piñatas, movie night and other activities that keep everybody entertained. It was great day!

Blessed with Four Baptisms Celebrated by Bishop Henry

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Henry Orlando Ruiz Mora, as bishop of the diocese of Trujillo. Farm of the Child welcomed the visit of the new Bishop, who graciously presided the Baptisms of four children, surrounded by the community. After the ceremony, all the present gather to tell stories, enjoy one another's company, and share a meal. What a joyful occasion!!

Last month in pictures

The months of September and October have been filled with many fun activities. We had the great honor to have the visit of Zulena Pescatore and witness the great love the community and specially the children have for her. Our new missionaries arrived and they had fun in the beach with our current missionaries living at Finca.

Child Spotlight

"E" is Thriving!

"E" continues to grow and thrive. His new favorite activity is picking coconuts from the coconut trees around the facilities, opening them and dirking the refreshing water. He is so healthy and joyful! He is obsess with soccer and he is getting very good at it. He loves to play with the older children and show off his skills.

He is learning much in Kindergarten. He can now color without going over lines. He frequently earns the badge of "helper for the day" thanks to his great attitude and desire to learn.

Learn how to sponsor 

*To maintain our children’s privacy, any personal information and full pictures are only open to current sponsors through a secure portal

Pray with Us

Prayer Requests
For our former residents, for the Lord to watch over them. Comfort them in their trials, and provide for them when they are in need.

In gratitude for our Farm USA Team and our Honduras Team, for each mind and for each heart. May the Lord continue to use their talents and abilities, ideas and visions for the goodness of the children and the staff residing in Finca.

For our beloved Franciscan Sisters. We ask for your guidance as they shepherd our children.

For our benefactors: For those who are ill, we pray for your healing touch to be upon them; for those in need of hope, that Your light will scatter the darkness in their life and fill them with Your love; for peace to reign in their hearts and the hearts of their loved ones.

Prayer for All Saints Day

Dear God, thank you for the example of the Saints.

I desire to join in their company, worshiping you forever in Heaven.

Please help me follow their footsteps, and yours, Jesus Christ.

Please help me to conform myself to Your image, seeking Your will in all things, as the Saints did.

Please help me to devote myself, and all that I do, to Your glory, and to the service of my neighbors.


Thank you!

November is here, where did the year go? the month of November is National Gratitude Month, a time to celebrate and give thanks. Reflecting on we have accomplished this year, we are extremely grateful for the gift of our family, friends and especially, our benefactors. We are grateful for the gift of their time, talent and providential support which enables us to fulfill the ministry the Lord have entrusted to us.

Thanks to your generosity, we have been able not only continue providing services to our children at Finca, but also the surrounding community, bringing the light of hope to many.

Some of the young people featured in this picture are former residents of Finca, thriving and making a statement in the world. We are grateful for supporters like you, who make stories like these possible. We treasurer your generosity as a profound act of kindness.

This month of November, we will be embarking on our Year-End campaigns. As needs continue to increase, we pray that we can count with your support and join us on this important effort that will allow us to increase our outreach. Together we will impact the world in a lasting way.

How to Donate:




Sara Wizniuk