It all started when…
Motivated by a love for Christ and the desire to follow God's will, founders Vincent and Zulena Pescatore begin the first Farm of the Child in the remote rainforests of El Petén, Guatemala in 1987. Establishing an orphanage, clinic, and school, their mission to care for the physical, educational, spiritual, and social needs of abandoned and neglected children bears much fruit. After several years of successful work, Vincent and Zulena feel a call to begin another children’s home in Honduras.
In 1993, they start the construction of Finca del Niño on the northern coast, outside the town of Trujillo. On January 3, 1996, with the essential buildings nearly complete, Vincent dies in a tragic plane crash in the mountains near the Finca. In great faith and trust, Zulena decides to carry the mission forward with her five children. The love of their family continues to sustain Finca del Niño 25 years later.
Today, Vincent’s vision continues thanks to the grace of God and a team of Honduran employees, international missionaries, Franciscan sisters, dedicated Board members, and generous benefactors. Finca del Niño currently operates as a children's home for 25-50 children, Catholic elementary and middle school for 110 students, and medical clinic for 1,500+ patients annually.
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”
our Mission Statement
In gratitude for the great love that Jesus Christ gives us, we decide to unite ourselves and form a community to care for needy children and to promote the development of a productive society of devout Christians.
What is the difference between farm of the chld and Finca del Niño?
Finca del Niño is the recognized name for the children’s home, elementary and middle schools, and medical clinic in Trujillo, Honduras where children receive healing care from a team of Honduran staff, Franciscan sisters, and international missionaries. Farm of the Child USA is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to support Finca del Niño in Honduras.
Farm of the Child Daily Prayer
Lord Jesus, protector of orphans and all who depend on you:
As we begin this day we turn our hearts towards you. We give thanks for the gift of your great love and for the chance to serve you in all that we do today.
We ask that your grace and mercy be poured out on our beloved Farm of the Child, on our children, on our house parents, on our Franciscan sisters, on our missionaries past, present, and future, on our board members, on our support personnel, on our benefactors, and on all whom we serve in Honduras through our various ministries.
As a member of this community entrusted with maintaining, protecting and strengthening this mission, I ask for the following in order to better carry out my responsibilities:
A humble heart free from the desire of being esteemed,
A meek heart that bears with everyone,
A patient heart happy in the most trying circumstance,
A peaceful heart at peace with self and others,
A heart poor in spirit detached from the things of this world,
A heart full of love that finds happiness in suffering with others,
A prayerful heart that loves to be in communion with you,
A holy heart whose only desire is that God may be known and loved by everyone,
A pure heart like Mary's which seeks to love and serve God alone.
May we as a community be one in heart and mind so that we may help to bring about the Kingdom of God through your mission, Farm of the Child. Amen.
We seek Mary’s intercession by reciting one Hail Mary.