September 2022 eNewsletter
Summer Farm Events
The community at the Finca has been busy with fun events this summer. School is in session but weekends are prime time for community activities and taking advantage of the beautiful scenery surrounding our Home.
Finca Field Day- Wheelbarrow Race
Girls Night complete with face masks and running around pretending to be ghosts
Ice Cream Party on the Beach
Movie Night on the Campo
Child Spotlight
Meet "L"
•L has lived at the Finca with his 2 older sisters for the last 3 years
•He is currently 4 and anxiously awaiting the day he gets to join everyone at school.
•His current favorite things include: paw patrol, animals and cuddling.
•He is lovingly referred to at the King of the Finca
Donor Spotlight
Remembering Judge William Macmillan.
Judge William Macmillan has been a supporter of our organization from the very beginning. As a Notre Dame alumni and philanthropist, he was extremely proud of the work the Farm has done from the very beginning with the help of so many Notre Dame students every year.
Judge Macmillan passed peacefully at the age of 94 last month and was gracious enough to leave the Farm of the Child in his Estate. We are eternally grateful for his witness to us and hope to honor his legacy well moving forward.
You can read more about Judge Macmillan's life here.
Eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Summer Vol Reflection
After spending 8 weeks at the Finca this past summer, I learned a lot about myself and others by teaching 9th grade English. I never had any teaching experience before living at the Finca, so I was honestly pretty nervous when the current long-term missionaries told me I’d be taking over 9th grade English for the summer. It was challenging to figure out classroom management and lesson planning, but it was also extremely rewarding because I really enjoyed forming relationships with my students. Even though I was teaching them, they taught me so much about their culture and just slowing down and enjoying the moment. Plus, they made me laugh so much with their jokes and games! Being at the Finca was beautifully humbling and impactful. I’m so grateful I spent my summer there.
Arianna Kelley, Junior at Notre Dame
A larger article from summer volunteer Colin Agostisi will be available in next months mailer. To make sure you are on our mailing list, email
New Missionaries in Antigua
Our new missionaries, Kenna and Natalie, have been in Antigua, Guatemala now for 3 weeks. They've been busy learning and practicing Spanish, getting to know the culture, exploring, volunteering and even visiting Hobbiton! Read more about their adventures below:
I Arrived in Antigua!
Hello family, friends, and mission partners! My adventure has begun! I arrived in Antigua, Guatemala last Friday, August 12th. The first weekend in Antigua went by slowly as we became acquainted with the city, settled into our host family's homes, and anxiously awaited the start of our Spanish classes.
Poquito a poquito - Adventures at the Finca
By the time I am posting this blog, I have been in Antigua, Guatemala for a little over a week now! I arrived on Friday, August 12th, and since then, have been busy getting accustomed to the life here, meeting new people, and learning more Spanish.